Patent reform and provisional patent applications
(too old to reply)
2011-11-05 11:52:41 UTC
I am wondering what the exact effect of the September 2011 patent
reform has on the provisional patent applications. From what I have
read on the internet, regardless of the exceptions and limitations,
the inventor of the application still has the same benefits as before,
i.e. the one year grace period to disclose, make, market and sell the
product of the invention, while keeping the priority date.

I would appreciate some clarification.

Thank you in advance ...
2012-04-25 07:54:01 UTC
Post by w***@aol.com
I am wondering what the exact effect of the September 2011 patent
reform has on the provisional patent applications. From what I have
read on the internet, regardless of the exceptions and limitations,
the inventor of the application still has the same benefits as before,
i.e. the one year grace period to disclose, make, market and sell the
product of the invention, while keeping the priority date.
I would appreciate some clarification.
Thank you in advance ...
If anything, I would say that provisionals are likely to become more
important as a way of preserving your filing date, given that you will
no longer be able to swear back to an earlier date of invention.

Alun Palmer
US Patent Agent
