MS hidden agenda -- not
(too old to reply)
2009-03-05 22:30:49 UTC
The GNU community is fuming about Microsoft's hidden agenda:

"Microsoft's secret plan behind the TomTom suit?
. . .
"Tom Tom are the first company to publicly refuse to engage in this
ugly little protection racket, and so they got sued. Had Tom Tom
silently agreed to violate the GPL, as so many others have, then
we'd only hear about a vague "patent cross licensing deal" just like
the ones Microsoft announces with other companies."


The truth is the GPL is Microsoft's best friend. It simultaneously
intimidates small entrepreneurs from entering the applications
market in the stage where they are most vulnerable to market
pressures and also keeps the DOJ's antitrust section off Microsoft's
back because of Linux's 15% in server OS market share. Microsoft has
to cede market share to someone to keep the DOJ at bay and Linux
does this nicely while killing Microsoft's Unix rivals. Microsoft
fears other's software patents not the GPL.

Microsoft just looooooooooooves the GPL.

Rjack :)
2009-03-05 22:55:58 UTC
Post by Rjack
"Microsoft's secret plan behind the TomTom suit?
. . .
"Tom Tom are the first company to publicly refuse to engage in this
ugly little protection racket, and so they got sued. Had Tom Tom
silently agreed to violate the GPL, as so many others have, then
we'd only hear about a vague "patent cross licensing deal" just like
the ones Microsoft announces with other companies."
Post by Rjack
The truth is the GPL is Microsoft's best friend. It simultaneously
intimidates small entrepreneurs from entering the applications
market in the stage where they are most vulnerable to market
pressures and also keeps the DOJ's antitrust section off Microsoft's
back because of Linux's 15% in server OS market share. Microsoft has
to cede market share to someone to keep the DOJ at bay and Linux
does this nicely while killing Microsoft's Unix rivals. Microsoft
fears other's software patents not the GPL.
Microsoft just looooooooooooves the GPL.
In that case delete WINDUMMY OSen from your PCs and install
free as in freedom not price Linux on to your PCs.

No licensing problems and no BSA on your back.

If deleting WINDUMMY OSen comes as a no no and a shock
to your system, then you are truly a bum boy born
and bread and molded the micoshaft way with no way to
escape micoshaft mindset and mold.

You are a micoshaft bum boy addict.

Do something about it.

http://www.youtube.com and search for compiz and see
how much further Linux is ahead of WINDUMMY OSen.


All free as in freedom not price, with source code and
documentation to make any new variant of software you like.
Doctor Smith
2009-03-05 23:03:15 UTC
On Thu, 05 Mar 2009 22:55:58 GMT, 7 wrote:

Boy becomes girl?

Roy Schestowitz has already done that.

Oh, sorry that was Racine.

Oh well, it's only one letter off....

Doctor Smith
2009-03-05 23:01:19 UTC
Post by Rjack
"Microsoft's secret plan behind the TomTom suit?
. . .
"Tom Tom are the first company to publicly refuse to engage in this
ugly little protection racket, and so they got sued. Had Tom Tom
silently agreed to violate the GPL, as so many others have, then
we'd only hear about a vague "patent cross licensing deal" just like
the ones Microsoft announces with other companies."
The truth is the GPL is Microsoft's best friend. It simultaneously
intimidates small entrepreneurs from entering the applications
market in the stage where they are most vulnerable to market
pressures and also keeps the DOJ's antitrust section off Microsoft's
back because of Linux's 15% in server OS market share. Microsoft has
to cede market share to someone to keep the DOJ at bay and Linux
does this nicely while killing Microsoft's Unix rivals. Microsoft
fears other's software patents not the GPL.
Microsoft just looooooooooooves the GPL.
Rjack :)
They love Linux "advocates" too.

Because the more rabid ones, like in comp.os.linux.advocacy, make the
sincere Linux advocates look like morons and religious freaks.

Rabid, Linux freetards are the best thing that has ever come along for