2009-12-04 07:21:11 UTC
Classical Greeks had developed the Antikythera navigational computer, the
Heronas steam engine, and Greek fire (naphtha and quicklime), but they used
this to show off (this how the Russians thought Byzantium was heavenly - the
emperor was elevated by engines), to impress opponents, not to better the
life of anyone. It took the patent and investment system of England to turn
these into the industrial revolution. Greeks to this day cannot work together
because their egos are too fragile. Instead of boasting these inventions of
old, the Greeks should be embarassed they never put them to use!
- = -
Vasos Panagiotopoulos, Columbia'81+, Reagan, Mozart, Pindus, BioStrategist
http://www.panix.com/~vjp2/vasos.htm http://www.facebook.com/vasjpan2
---{Nothing herein constitutes advice. Everything fully disclaimed.}---
[Homeland Security means private firearms not lazy obstructive guards]
[Urb sprawl confounds terror] [Phooey on GUI: Windows for subprime Bimbos]
Heronas steam engine, and Greek fire (naphtha and quicklime), but they used
this to show off (this how the Russians thought Byzantium was heavenly - the
emperor was elevated by engines), to impress opponents, not to better the
life of anyone. It took the patent and investment system of England to turn
these into the industrial revolution. Greeks to this day cannot work together
because their egos are too fragile. Instead of boasting these inventions of
old, the Greeks should be embarassed they never put them to use!
- = -
Vasos Panagiotopoulos, Columbia'81+, Reagan, Mozart, Pindus, BioStrategist
http://www.panix.com/~vjp2/vasos.htm http://www.facebook.com/vasjpan2
---{Nothing herein constitutes advice. Everything fully disclaimed.}---
[Homeland Security means private firearms not lazy obstructive guards]
[Urb sprawl confounds terror] [Phooey on GUI: Windows for subprime Bimbos]