Classical Greek Techn Shame
(too old to reply)
2009-12-04 07:21:11 UTC
Classical Greeks had developed the Antikythera navigational computer, the
Heronas steam engine, and Greek fire (naphtha and quicklime), but they used
this to show off (this how the Russians thought Byzantium was heavenly - the
emperor was elevated by engines), to impress opponents, not to better the
life of anyone. It took the patent and investment system of England to turn
these into the industrial revolution. Greeks to this day cannot work together
because their egos are too fragile. Instead of boasting these inventions of
old, the Greeks should be embarassed they never put them to use!

- = -
Vasos Panagiotopoulos, Columbia'81+, Reagan, Mozart, Pindus, BioStrategist
http://www.panix.com/~vjp2/vasos.htm http://www.facebook.com/vasjpan2
---{Nothing herein constitutes advice. Everything fully disclaimed.}---
[Homeland Security means private firearms not lazy obstructive guards]
[Urb sprawl confounds terror] [Phooey on GUI: Windows for subprime Bimbos]
2009-12-04 10:16:02 UTC
   Classical Greeks had developed the Antikythera navigational computer, the
Heronas steam engine, and Greek fire (naphtha and quicklime), but they used
this to show off (this how the Russians thought Byzantium was heavenly - the
emperor was elevated by engines), to impress opponents, not to better the
life of anyone. It took the patent and investment system of England to turn
these into the industrial revolution. Greeks to this day cannot work together
because their egos are too fragile. Instead of boasting these inventions of
old, the Greeks should be embarassed they never put them to use!
That was not what impressed the Russians as heavenly, it was the
Holy Liturgy experience.

And the fragility of egos shows that the Greeks who are like this are
ergo not all that Orthodox except nominally. It is the sin of pride.

2009-12-04 12:42:10 UTC
Post by infowolf1
Post by v***@at.BioStrategist.dot.dot.com
Classical Greeks had developed the Antikythera navigational
computer, the Heronas steam engine, and Greek fire (naphtha and
quicklime), but they used this to show off (this how the Russians
thought Byzantium was heavenly - the emperor was elevated by
engines), to impress opponents, not to better the life of anyone. It
took the patent and investment system of England to turn these into
the industrial revolution. Greeks to this day cannot work together
because their egos are too fragile. Instead of boasting these
inventions of old, the Greeks should be embarassed they never put
them to use!
That was not what impressed the Russians as heavenly, it was the
Holy Liturgy experience.
And the fragility of egos shows that the Greeks who are like this are
ergo not all that Orthodox except nominally. It is the sin of pride.
Just couldn't resist making the following comment...

2009-12-04 19:22:51 UTC
   Classical Greeks had developed the Antikythera navigational computer, the
Heronas steam engine, and Greek fire (naphtha and quicklime), but they used
this to show off (this how the Russians thought Byzantium was heavenly - the
emperor was elevated by engines), to impress opponents, not to better the
life of anyone. It took the patent and investment system of England to turn
these into the industrial revolution. Greeks to this day cannot work together
because their egos are too fragile. Instead of boasting these inventions of
old, the Greeks should be embarassed they never put them to use!
                                    - = -
 Vasos Panagiotopoulos, Columbia'81+, Reagan, Mozart, Pindus, BioStrategist
   http://www.panix.com/~vjp2/vasos.htm http://www.facebook.com/vasjpan2
  ---{Nothing herein constitutes advice.  Everything fully disclaimed.}---
   [Homeland Security means private firearms not lazy obstructive guards]
 [Urb sprawl confounds terror] [Phooey on GUI: Windows for subprime Bimbos]
An incomprehensible title of the thread! Shame?
1) Antikythera mechanism, Heron´s steam engine, Archimedes machines
and many more are all achievements of the HELLENISTIC Greeks not the
Classical Greeks.

2) After the Hellenistic Greeks we have no continuation of the Greek
Civilization! The ethnic Greeks are gradually turned to cultural
Not only that! They vehemently renounce their Greek identity and
adopt a Christian identity which in fact is a Jewish identity.
Byzantium is Christian not Greek!
Christianity does not give a damn about life! Only the eternal one
after Death!
I copy from the article with title "Medieval Science and Technology:
530 through 1452"
... Christianity as a state religion in both halves of the Roman
Empire may have been inimical to science at this time.
There seemed to be little reason to be concerned about learning how
nature worked when
certainly by 1000, which did not seem that far away during this peiod.
UNQUOTE (emphasis mine)
From page 93 of The History of Science and Technology by Bryan Bunch
with Alexander Hellemans

3) Greece is revived in the West. Italy, Spain, France and finally

4) Your claim about "patent and investment system of England to turn
these into the industrial revolution" is most likely wrong.
It has more to do with the dominant position of the Catholic Church in
the other countries.
5) Your claim "Greeks to this day cannot work together because their
egos are too fragile." is even stupid.
Greeks to this day, have gone through even a very lengthy Turkish
occupation. It turned them to slaves or arse slickers.
Greeks of this day are a cross between Jews of the first centuries AD
and Turks of the first centuries after 1000 AD.
They have not yet gone through Renaissance and Enlightenment.
You do not realize how long time certain ideas take before they take
root into a people´s mind.

It is good that they are boasting about these inventions of the old
It is the first step of joining the Greek Civilization.

