More blatant antitrust violations by M$
(too old to reply)
2015-03-21 03:25:50 UTC
How do they get away with this $#!+?


Secure boot keys are in the major repositories, but what about smaller
distros like Slackware or customized LiveCDs? How does Microshit get away
with this stuff legally?

since nine-seven
2015-03-21 04:08:59 UTC
On Fri, 20 Mar 2015 23:25:50 -0400
Post by bleak_fire_
How do they get away with this $#!+?
Secure boot keys are in the major repositories, but what about smaller
distros like Slackware or customized LiveCDs? How does Microshit get
away with this stuff legally?
I think that market will show. I boot my machine in "legacy" mode
avoiding UEFI completely. I don't think that anyone sane would
produce UEFI only motherboard as it is just and option after all
(let alone "secure" boot).
Problem are dual boot machines, I think, but I don't have
intention to run Windows...
Chris Ahlstrom
2015-03-21 11:00:06 UTC
Post by Melzzzzz
On Fri, 20 Mar 2015 23:25:50 -0400
Post by bleak_fire_
How do they get away with this $#!+?
Secure boot keys are in the major repositories, but what about smaller
distros like Slackware or customized LiveCDs? How does Microshit get
away with this stuff legally?
Because it suits both Microsoft's and the NSA's agendas?
Post by Melzzzzz
I think that market will show. I boot my machine in "legacy" mode
avoiding UEFI completely. I don't think that anyone sane would
produce UEFI only motherboard as it is just and option after all
(let alone "secure" boot).
Problem are dual boot machines, I think, but I don't have
intention to run Windows...
I suspect vendors will be selling a lot more "Chromebooks" then. :-D
In Italy, for thirty years under the Borgias, they had warfare, terror,
murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michaelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci
and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love, they had
five hundred years of democracy and peace -- and what did they produce?
The cuckoo-clock.
-- Orson Welles, "The Third Man"
2015-03-21 19:12:10 UTC
Post by bleak_fire_
How do they get away with this $#!+?
Post by bleak_fire_
Secure boot keys are in the major repositories, but what about smaller
distros like Slackware or customized LiveCDs? How does Microshit get away
with this stuff legally?
Easy, no one is twisting your arm to buy a PC with windows on it.
Go cobble your own and avoid it if that is what you want.
There are plenty of PC shops around that will do it for you.
