International PCT Filing/Priority Date
(too old to reply)
2012-07-18 16:36:58 UTC
If the publication of a PCT application shows only the Filing Date but not the Priority Date/Data, does it mean that its priority date is the same as the filing date, i.e. it claims no priority to an earlier application?

Thank you in advance ...
Tim Jackson
2012-07-18 16:48:16 UTC
Post by w***@aol.com
If the publication of a PCT application shows only the Filing Date but not the Priority Date/Data, does it mean that its priority date is the same as the filing date, i.e. it claims no priority to an earlier application?
Yes (errors and omissions excepted).

It's possible that there may be a corresponding national application
with no priority link. E.g. if the applicant missed the deadline for
claiming priority when he filed the PCT, but the invention was still
unpublished at that time.
Tim Jackson
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