(too old to reply)
Joseph Omondi
2013-05-23 12:43:33 UTC
Dear All,

We have the following services that we offer if you want to come and visit Republic of South Sudan.They are as follows:-
Pro South Sudan
List of Services


- Counselling:
• practical information about South Sudan
• assistance in relocation planning
• policy development
• cost assessment

- Short-term immigration and legalities planning
• visas
• travel permits
• work permits
• driving license

- Orientation visit:
• temporary accommodation
• airport pick up and transport
• inter-cultural briefing
• dedicated consultant and/or interpreter
• security assurance (if applicable)
• tour at destination with possible housing visits
• introduction to practical aspects of living in South Sudan


- immigration and legalities planning
• visas
• travel permits
• work permits
• driving license

- housing rental
• advice on budget and accommodation types
• area orientation and property search
• negotiations and pre-selection
• arrange for house inspection
• assure legal approval of rental agreement
• assist in furniture and household goods purchase or rental
• advice on security issues
• help in interior design and refurbishment (through our partners)
• arrange for water, electricity and gas
• assist in utilities installation
• provide tenancy monitoring

- physical relocation
• household goods transport and storage (through our partners)
• goods check-in and check-out
• advice on pet relocation


- health care
• introduction to South Sudan medical system
• advice on necessary vaccinations
• information on hospitals, clinics and availability of specialised healthcare personnel
• registration with local doctor
• emergency assistance in translation and hospital's paperwork
• assist in veterinary services selection

- insurance and safety
• assist in procurement of personal, property and vehicle insurance
• provide professional security assistance (through our partners)

- banking and finance
• assist in bank account opening
• arrange personalized expatriate bank services
• provide financial advise (through our partners)

- legal and taxes
• guide and assist in importation and customs processes
• advice on contracts and agreements (through our partners)
• offer personalized tax advice (through our partners)

- transport and car hire
• help to purchase, rent or lease new or second-hand vehicle
• advice on car insurance
• apply for number plates
• point reliable workshop

- IT and communication
• find most suitable mobile phone offer
• indicate internet connection providers
• offer satellite phones and/or radio

- language training and interpreter
• offer individual tutor or group language courses (through our partners)
• provide personal interpreter (various local and international languages)

- schooling
• advice on school
• arrange programme of visits
• assist in registration process
• provide school fees monitoring

- assignment monitoring
• arrange trade services and utilities installation
• administrate and monitor rental and lease periods
• assistance in contract renewal and break clause execution
• organize professional assistance in various


- culture, sports and recreation
• introduce to South Sudan sport and entertainment activities
• organize entrance cards and memberships
• provide information about cultural activities in South Sudan and Juba
• inform about important events

- leisure, food and shopping
• direct to supermarkets and shopping areas
• recommend local and continental restaurants, bars and clubs
• procure goods unavailable in SS

- networking
• facilitate integration with locals communities
• help in connection with compatriots
• inform about regular gatherings and events


- departure assistance
• assist in termination of leases
• help in inventory check-out
• notify utilities providers
• arrange temporary accommodation prior to departure
• assist should any problems arise

Business case

- intelligence
• provide latest data on primary markets, key customers and suppliers
• connect to South Sudan business networks and our commercial partners
• advice on legalities related to labour and recruitment
• give up-to-date information on available infrastructure, properties and transport
• assure contact with relevant local and/or central authorities
• acquaint with legislation and tax system
• advice on the right organizational and tax structure
• advice on finance and accounting
• arrange for temporary office set-up
• assist in relocation planning

Business development

- registration, legalities and immigration
• guide through the business/organization registration process
• assist in bank account opening
• assist in organization of legalities with local and/or central authorities
• guide and assist in importation and customs processes
• provide legal assistance on contracts and agreements
• organize visas, travel permits, work permits and driving license exchange

- location and property
• comprehensive advice on location (clients vs. suppliers vs. infrastructure vs. transport vs. labour pool)
• perform area orientation and property search
• provide legal assistance in every stage of premise selection
• assure contact with relevant authorities to facilitate investment
• advice on security and insurance
• assure physical relocation including inventory check-in
• provide full IT and communication package (through our partner)
• assist in premise furnishing and refurbishing (through our partner)
• arrange for water, electricity and gas
• arrange trade services and utilities installation
• organize professional assistance
• help to purchase, rent or lease new or second-hand vehicle
• offer individual tutor or group language courses (through our partners)

- human resources
• introduce local recruitment practices and legal aspects of employment
• assist in personnel search
• perform advance search when highly specialised personnel needed
• benchmark wages and salaries

- networking
• provide contact per sector with our commercial partners
• network non-commercial organizations
• link with vast range of experts in wide array of professions
• connect with other South Sudan newbies to share facilities, services and experience

Please note that some of the services are partly or fully delivered by our partners under bilateral agreements with Pro South Sudan.
For more details,you can check on our website www.prosouthsudan.com and www.prossproperties.com
Alternatively,you can call me on +211954322142 or email:***@prosouthsudan.com
I promise to serve you best.

Kind regards,
Thanks in advance.
2013-06-04 08:07:16 UTC
Post by Joseph Omondi
Dear All,
We have the following services that we offer if you want to come and visit Republic of South Sudan.They are as follows:-
Pro South Sudan
List of Services
• practical information about South Sudan
• assistance in relocation planning
• policy development
• cost assessment
- Short-term immigration and legalities planning
• visas
• travel permits
• work permits
• driving license
• temporary accommodation
• airport pick up and transport
• inter-cultural briefing
• dedicated consultant and/or interpreter
• security assurance (if applicable)
• tour at destination with possible housing visits
• introduction to practical aspects of living in South Sudan
- immigration and legalities planning
• visas
• travel permits
• work permits
• driving license
- housing rental
• advice on budget and accommodation types
• area orientation and property search
• negotiations and pre-selection
• arrange for house inspection
• assure legal approval of rental agreement
• assist in furniture and household goods purchase or rental
• advice on security issues
• help in interior design and refurbishment (through our partners)
• arrange for water, electricity and gas
• assist in utilities installation
• provide tenancy monitoring
- physical relocation
• household goods transport and storage (through our partners)
• goods check-in and check-out
• advice on pet relocation
- health care
• introduction to South Sudan medical system
• advice on necessary vaccinations
• information on hospitals, clinics and availability of specialised healthcare personnel
• registration with local doctor
• emergency assistance in translation and hospital's paperwork
• assist in veterinary services selection
- insurance and safety
• assist in procurement of personal, property and vehicle insurance
• provide professional security assistance (through our partners)
- banking and finance
• assist in bank account opening
• arrange personalized expatriate bank services
• provide financial advise (through our partners)
- legal and taxes
• guide and assist in importation and customs processes
• advice on contracts and agreements (through our partners)
• offer personalized tax advice (through our partners)
- transport and car hire
• help to purchase, rent or lease new or second-hand vehicle
• advice on car insurance
• apply for number plates
• point reliable workshop
- IT and communication
• find most suitable mobile phone offer
• indicate internet connection providers
• offer satellite phones and/or radio
- language training and interpreter
• offer individual tutor or group language courses (through our partners)
• provide personal interpreter (various local and international languages)
- schooling
• advice on school
• arrange programme of visits
• assist in registration process
• provide school fees monitoring
- assignment monitoring
• arrange trade services and utilities installation
• administrate and monitor rental and lease periods
• assistance in contract renewal and break clause execution
• organize professional assistance in various
- culture, sports and recreation
• introduce to South Sudan sport and entertainment activities
• organize entrance cards and memberships
• provide information about cultural activities in South Sudan and Juba
• inform about important events
- leisure, food and shopping
• direct to supermarkets and shopping areas
• recommend local and continental restaurants, bars and clubs
• procure goods unavailable in SS
- networking
• facilitate integration with locals communities
• help in connection with compatriots
• inform about regular gatherings and events
- departure assistance
• assist in termination of leases
• help in inventory check-out
• notify utilities providers
• arrange temporary accommodation prior to departure
• assist should any problems arise
Business case
- intelligence
• provide latest data on primary markets, key customers and suppliers
• connect to South Sudan business networks and our commercial partners
• advice on legalities related to labour and recruitment
• give up-to-date information on available infrastructure, properties and transport
• assure contact with relevant local and/or central authorities
• acquaint with legislation and tax system
• advice on the right organizational and tax structure
• advice on finance and accounting
• arrange for temporary office set-up
• assist in relocation planning
Business development
- registration, legalities and immigration
• guide through the business/organization registration process
• assist in bank account opening
• assist in organization of legalities with local and/or central authorities
• guide and assist in importation and customs processes
• provide legal assistance on contracts and agreements
• organize visas, travel permits, work permits and driving license exchange
- location and property
• comprehensive advice on location (clients vs. suppliers vs. infrastructure vs. transport vs. labour pool)
• perform area orientation and property search
• provide legal assistance in every stage of premise selection
• assure contact with relevant authorities to facilitate investment
• advice on security and insurance
• assure physical relocation including inventory check-in
• provide full IT and communication package (through our partner)
• assist in premise furnishing and refurbishing (through our partner)
• arrange for water, electricity and gas
• arrange trade services and utilities installation
• organize professional assistance
• help to purchase, rent or lease new or second-hand vehicle
• offer individual tutor or group language courses (through our partners)
- human resources
• introduce local recruitment practices and legal aspects of employment
• assist in personnel search
• perform advance search when highly specialised personnel needed
• benchmark wages and salaries
- networking
• provide contact per sector with our commercial partners
• network non-commercial organizations
• link with vast range of experts in wide array of professions
• connect with other South Sudan newbies to share facilities, services and experience
Please note that some of the services are partly or fully delivered by our partners under bilateral agreements with Pro South Sudan.
For more details,you can check on our website www.prosouthsudan.com and www.prossproperties.com
I promise to serve you best.
Kind regards,
Thanks in advance.