Carlo Daffara vs. RMS
(too old to reply)
Alexander Terekhov
2011-09-22 16:47:39 UTC
RMS's amusing article:

("Is Android really free software?")

Carlo Daffara's response:

("Android free, non-free, and generic FUD")

"[RMS's] Article summary: “Android is non-free” (actually Linux is, but
I can’t say it), “is driven by greedy gollums” (maybe), “Android phones
may spy on you” (like all modern phones), “it may be destroyed by
patents” (like Linux), and in general if you switch to the GPL3 we
forgive you.

Look: there are many negative points in Android, like the fact that
having it as a separately managed project under an Eclipse-like
consortium would be much better (I wrote my thoughts on it here) or that
the fact that the Honeycomb code is still not released, or that
governance is centrally hold by Google. This is however not a good
reason for using Android as a scapegoat, only because it is widely used
and successful. This is FUD – and it only helps those that despise free

(Disclaimer: I don’t care what Google thinks, I don’t have an interest
in Google financial performance, my only point of contact is in having
an Android phone and a passion for free/open/libre source)."

(GNG is a derecursive recursive derecursion which pwns GNU since it can
be infinitely looped as GNGNGNGNG...NGNGNG... and can be said backwards
too, whereas GNU cannot.)
2011-09-23 15:07:30 UTC
Post by Alexander Terekhov
("Is Android really free software?")
Post by Alexander Terekhov
("Android free, non-free, and generic FUD")
Post by Alexander Terekhov
"[RMS's] Article summary: “Android is non-free” (actually Linux is,
but I can’t say it), “is driven by greedy gollums” (maybe), “Android
phones may spy on you” (like all modern phones), “it may be
destroyed by patents” (like Linux), and in general if you switch to
the GPL3 we forgive you.
Look: there are many negative points in Android, like the fact that
having it as a separately managed project under an Eclipse-like
consortium would be much better (I wrote my thoughts on it here) or
that the fact that the Honeycomb code is still not released, or that
governance is centrally hold by Google. This is however not a good
reason for using Android as a scapegoat, only because it is widely
used and successful. This is FUD – and it only helps those that
despise free software.
(Disclaimer: I don’t care what Google thinks, I don’t have an
interest in Google financial performance, my only point of contact
is in having an Android phone and a passion for free/open/libre
(GNG is a derecursive recursive derecursion which pwns GNU since it can
Post by Alexander Terekhov
be infinitely looped as GNGNGNGNG...NGNGNG... and can be said
backwards too, whereas GNU cannot.)
Both Carlo Daffra and RMS are pissing at each other in the less than
clear context of the laws of the European Union. Under the context of
U.S. Intellectual Property law, both are hopelessly lost.

RJack :)
