Computerworld.com/Infoworld.com: Does GPL still matter?
(too old to reply)
Alexander Terekhov
2009-08-11 13:33:51 UTC

"[ Editor's note: InfoWorld tried to interview Richard Stallman, who
runs the Free Software Foundation that created and manages the GPL, on
this issue, but he demanded control of what we published, so we
declined. ]"



(GNG is a derecursive recursive derecursion which pwns GNU since it can
be infinitely looped as GNGNGNGNG...NGNGNG... and can be said backwards
too, whereas GNU cannot.)
Moshe Goldfarb
2009-08-11 17:36:02 UTC
Post by Alexander Terekhov
"[ Editor's note: InfoWorld tried to interview Richard Stallman, who
runs the Free Software Foundation that created and manages the GPL, on
this issue, but he demanded control of what we published, so we
declined. ]"
Another Linux phony exposed.

Like I say, these freetards expect everyone else to give it all
away but when it comes to them personally, they have a different
set of standards.

The freetards are the "limousine liberals" of the computer
David Kastrup
2009-08-11 18:17:26 UTC
Post by Moshe Goldfarb
Post by Alexander Terekhov
"[ Editor's note: InfoWorld tried to interview Richard Stallman, who
runs the Free Software Foundation that created and manages the GPL, on
this issue, but he demanded control of what we published, so we
declined. ]"
Another Linux phony exposed.
Stallman is hardly a "Linux phony". If you had any clue...
Post by Moshe Goldfarb
Like I say, these freetards expect everyone else to give it all
away but when it comes to them personally, they have a different
set of standards.
Uh, Gcc, Emacs, and a bunch of other stuff are hardly a "different set
of standards". I don't see what "not giving away" would have to do with
getting a say in what they choose to publish as an interview with him.
Post by Moshe Goldfarb
The freetards are the "limousine liberals" of the computer
This phrase does not even know what it wants to mean...
David Kastrup
Alexander Terekhov
2009-08-12 11:53:48 UTC
Post by David Kastrup
Post by Moshe Goldfarb
Post by Alexander Terekhov
"[ Editor's note: InfoWorld tried to interview Richard Stallman, who
runs the Free Software Foundation that created and manages the GPL, on
this issue, but he demanded control of what we published, so we
declined. ]"
Another Linux phony exposed.
Stallman is hardly a "Linux phony". If you had any clue...
Stallman is certainly a "Linux Libre phony"


"We now maintain a free version of Linux called Linux Libre, in which we
have removed the firmware blobs. Free GNU/Linux distributions use this
version instead of Torvalds' version."

which makes him a "Linux phony" (think of sets and subsets, silly dak).


(GNG is a derecursive recursive derecursion which pwns GNU since it can
be infinitely looped as GNGNGNGNG...NGNGNG... and can be said backwards
too, whereas GNU cannot.)
2009-08-12 13:04:49 UTC
Post by David Kastrup
Post by Moshe Goldfarb
Another Linux phony exposed.
Stallman is hardly a "Linux phony". If you had any clue...
The troll is a liar. KF the lying POS.
