Register Usenet Posters
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Red Blade
2013-01-19 22:12:55 UTC
Name Address and Phone Number of anyone who posts to Usenet.
Nothing would shut up Buster Games and HoofHearted faster, unless you
were to shine a light under the rock they hide under.
The government and the Hollywood Mafia have expressed interest in
destroying our beautiful chaos that is Usenet, forcing us to be subject
to moderators in other people's personally-owned message boards.

So far some ISPs have cut Usenet as a benefit based on ridiculous child
porn rumors, and there was a lawsuit against an unfortunately-named
"Usenet.com" which marketed itself as a way to not get caught pirating
the Hollywood Mafia's "intellectual" super-"property".

Stay away from any illegal content in the binaries. Keep Usenet safe from
the malicious and free (as in speech). For people who are too afraid to
ignore the trolls, give your phone number to a Web forum. Leave our
beautiful chaos alone.
Red Blade

President of alt.politics, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, & talk.politics.misc
Fanfiction Committee Chairman of alt.tv.beavis-n-butthead

2013-01-20 04:16:37 UTC
Post by Red Blade
Name Address and Phone Number of anyone who posts to Usenet.
Nothing would shut up Buster Games and HoofHearted faster, unless you
were to shine a light under the rock they hide under.
The government and the Hollywood Mafia have expressed interest in
destroying our beautiful chaos that is Usenet, forcing us to be subject
to moderators in other people's personally-owned message boards.
So far some ISPs have cut Usenet as a benefit based on ridiculous child
porn rumors, and there was a lawsuit against an unfortunately-named
"Usenet.com" which marketed itself as a way to not get caught pirating
the Hollywood Mafia's "intellectual" super-"property".
That's how governments and the Hollywood Mafia gets things like SOPA
passed. It didn't happen the last time thanks to public awareness.
However they're going to try again. Just like using "terrorism" as an
excuse to get the Patriot Act passed, they're going to use kiddie porn
as an excuse to get all sorts of bullshit passed.
The thing is, those of us with the expertise to get around whatever
safeguards they put in place - will do so at will.
Kiddie-porn is the McCarthyism of teh Internetz.
Post by Red Blade
Stay away from any illegal content in the binaries. Keep Usenet safe from
the malicious and free (as in speech). For people who are too afraid to
ignore the trolls, give your phone number to a Web forum. Leave our
beautiful chaos alone.
What about the fact that some stuff is illegal in one country and not in
Red Blade
2013-01-20 20:52:05 UTC
Post by Justin
they're going to use kiddie porn
as an excuse to get all sorts of bullshit passed.
They already are:

Red Blade

President of alt.politics, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, & talk.politics.misc
Fanfiction Committee Chairman of alt.tv.beavis-n-butthead
